In January 2024 the Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture has been launched as a new forum that aims to shape a shared vision for EU farming. The Strategic Dialogue broughts together key stakeholders from across the whole agri-food chain, including farmers, co-operatives, agri-food businesses, and rural communities; as well as non-governmental organisations and civil society representatives, financial institutions and academia. Chaired by Professor Peter Strohschneider from the Federal government of Germany's "Commission for the Future of Agriculture" the stakeholders shaped a clear vision of the future for the agriculture sector. The results were published recently.

European Parliament Photo: Wix
Strategic Dialogue offers clear pathways for all farmers to transition to sustainable systems

Speaking at a hearing in the European Parliament committee for Agriculture on the outcome of the Strategic Dialogue on the future of agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe president Jan Plagge declared: “The Strategic Dialogue’s recommendations are an opportunity for all farmers, as they make it clear that environmental sustainability must go hand in hand with fair incomes. The Strategic Dialogue offers clear pathways for all farmers to transition to sustainable systems in a way that improves livelihoods, provides a real simplification while preventing greenwashing.” Mr Plagge highlighted organic food and farming as food production system that already demonstrates this:
“The Strategic Dialogue explicitly recognises organic farming as prime example of food production system that reconciles nature protection and farmers’ income and as the only legally defined and regulated sustainable production system in the EU and should be upscaled. The European Commission and the Parliament must build on this unprecedented consensus among all agrifood stakeholders to shape a clear vision of the future for the agriculture sector.” Jan Plagge, President IFOAM Organics Europe
European organic movement’s official position
Author: Karin Heinze, BiO Reporter International
Source: IFOAM Organics Europe Press Release