IFOAM Organics Europe: Results of the Strategic Dialogue show ways for transition to sustainability for all farmers
Non-GMO Summit 2024: International Non-GMO industry calls for transparency on NGTs
European enterprises call for rigorous labelling of NGTs
International conference on the future of the Non-GMO industry
Open letter to EU agriculture ministers demands labelling for all products with new genetic engineering
New Genetic Technologies: Deregulation postponed
BIOFACH 2024: All together for an ecological future
Ravi Prasad: „We do have challenges but we can overcome challenges together“
Biofach/Vivaness 2024: Four days of international organic diversity and informative dialogue
European Parliament votes in favour of labelling for NGTs, but against risk assessment and coexistence rules
UPDATE: Vote in the EU Environment Committee: Majority in favor of deregulation - EU Parliament not bound by vote
Open letter to EPP: Genetic engineering labelling must remain
Good food needs a future - for GMO-free, rural and environmentally friendly agriculture!
Genetic engineering deregulation: No majority among EU agriculture ministers
NGT deregulation: undemocratic, unscientific and against the precautionary principle
New genetic engineering: Food industry demands labelling
Up-date glyphosate approval: Intransparent and unacceptable - 1st vote sends important signal
EU genetic engineering deregulation plans about to fall?
INNATEX - Sustainability and Green Fashion NOW
Envirocare Green Awards: Celebrating Eco-Consciousness