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BIOFACH 2024: All together for an ecological future

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The spirit at Biofach was optimistic and committed to a successful organic future. The players in the organic value chain face numerous challenges, however, they are also aware of the power of shared values and goals. "Together" was a frequently used word. Good practices and successful organic projects provided impetus and inspiration. With organic growth returning in many markets and record global growth in producers and organic areas in 2022, there were signs of confidence in the organic sector and optimism that the ecological transformation is continuously happening.

Strong statement at the main entrance to Biofach 2024. (Photo: Karin Heinze)

New IFOAM Executive Director Ravi Prasad: "We have challenges, but we can overcome them together"

There was also a broad consensus in the international organic community: by sharing ideas and working together at all levels, the global organic movement can meet the many challenges and achieve ecological transformation. The new IFOAM Organics International Executive Director Ravi Prasad (photo) agrees and praises the outstanding, committed work of the World Board and IFOAM Organics International organisations in many regions of the world in an interview

Biofach in top shape

Exciting topics in the congress with 171 events, international panels on the key topic of "Food for the Future: Women and Sustainable Food Systems" and the new Sustainable FutureLab format attracted almost 8,000 visitors. A total of around 35,000 trade visitors from 128 countries and 2,550 exhibitors from 94 countries speak for themselves. The presentation of new products, the many joint country and theme stands and the HoReCa - GV & Gastro meeting point were further attractions.

A wide variety of events and platforms offered the opportunity to be there, network, gather information and exchange ideas: For example, at the BNN Come Together, at the Organic Women's Network Breakfast, in various conference contributions and at the Sustainable FutureLab. (Photos: Karin Heinze)

Global organic area growing faster than ever before in 2022

Organic acreage increased on all continents. According to the FiBL statistics yearbook "The World of Organic Agriculture", which collects data from 188 countries, a total of 96.4 million hectares were farmed organically worldwide in 2022, 20.3 million hectares (26.6%) more than in the previous year. More than half of the organic area is located in Oceania (53.2 million hectares), with Australia showing enormous growth (+17.3 million hectares). India is the new number 2 with an equally enormous increase of 4.7 million hectares. It is followed by Europe with an organically farmed area of 18.5 million hectares and Latin America with 9.5 million hectares. The number of organic farms also increased enormously to over 4.5 million.

The organic market grew to 135 billion euros worldwide in 2022

Global sales of organic products totalled 135 billion euros in 2022, with the United States remaining the world's leading market at 56.6 billion euros, followed by Germany (15.3 billion euros) and the new number 3 China (12.4 billion euros). While several countries in Europe saw a decline or stagnation, retail sales rose in Canada (+9.7 per cent) and the United States (+4.4 per cent). The Swiss spent the most on organic food (an average of 437 euros per capita), and Denmark continued to have the highest organic market share with 12 per cent of the total food market.

FiBL infochart: Overview of developments in the global organic market and organic farming.

Positive area development in the EU in 2022

The organically farmed area in the European Union grew by 5.1 per cent in 2022, reaching 16.9 million hectares. This corresponds to 10.4 per cent of the total agricultural area. France maintained its leading position as the country with the largest organic farmland (2.9 million hectares), followed by Spain (2.7 million hectares), Italy (2.3 million hectares) and Germany (1.9 million hectares).

Infochart des FiBL: Überblick über die Entwicklung im europäischen Bio-Markt und im ökologischen Landbau.

25 years "The World of Organic Agriculture"

"We are delighted to be able to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the yearbook thanks to the great commitment of numerous supporters from all over the world," said Helga Willer from the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL. Together with colleagues, she has been responsible for the publication for 25 years and was honoured for this during a reception at the FiBL stand at BioFach.

Jürn Sanders, Chairman of the Executive Board of FiBL Switzerland, described the yearbook "The World of Organic Agriculture" as one of FiBL's most important flagship projects. Karen Mapusua, President of IFOAM - Organics International explained: "The statistics book takes the pulse of the organic sector and is very important for us when it comes to presenting the impact and development of organic agriculture worldwide - an invaluable resource." For Danila Brunner, Exhibition Director of BIOFACH, the publication is a real must-read: "It offers well-founded facts and analyses and thus provides orientation and sets the course for the future".

The annual survey on global organic farming is organised by the Schweizer Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO), Fund for Sustainability and NürnbergMesse, the organiser of BIOFACH.

The yearbook can be downloaded from the FiBL Shop (article number 1747).

Diagrams and infographics can be accessed at


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