Farmers, conventional and organic, from animal husbandry to arable farming, as well as food artisans, bakers, chefs and food retailers, consumers, beekeepers, nature and animal conservationists, environmental activists, campaigners for global justice, committed young people and people from urban and rural areas have been coming together for the "We're fed up!" demonstration every year since 2011. A broad alliance of organisers and supporters calls on people to participate. The demonstration will start on Saturday 20 January at noon at the Willy-Brandt-Haus. The alliance and participants call for good agriculture and healthy food for all!

Poster: Wir haben es satt
Response to the climate crisis, species extinction and hunger in the world
Environmental destruction, hunger and the climate crisis have long been a global reality. Our world is struggling to find the right answers. Alleged solutions - genetic engineering, patents and glyphosate are once again taking centre stage in politics. It is high time to transform agriculture and take responsibility for the preservation of our livelihoods: Agriculture must reduce emissions, preserve biodiversity and protect soils and water. A more ecological and rural agriculture is the basis for an environmentally friendly and crisis-proof food system that can safely supply all people with healthy food is the right answer to the climate crisis, species extinction and hunger in the world. This is the position of the WHES Alliance.
The federal government leaves farmers alone in the crisis
Low producer prices, unfairly distributed agricultural subsidies from the EU and cuts in development cooperation are pushing farmers worldwide to their pain threshold - economically, but also physically and mentally. They cannot cope with more environmental and animal protection as long as this is not adequately honoured either by the market or by politics. "The traffic light coalition is called upon to finally finance the climate-friendly reorganisation of animal husbandry," says the demo call. More animal welfare and climate protection and the preservation of many farms are urgently needed.
Genetic engineering and patents increase farmers' dependence on large agricultural corporations and lead to even less diversity on the field and on the plate. Anyone who softens the protection against the risks of genetic engineering is jeopardising our future with good food for all! The alliance demands: no patents on plants and animals and their genetic characteristics - right of way for the precautionary principle!
Quote WHES
Genetic engineering deregulation: freedom of choice at stake!
If the German government authorises the planned deregulation of European legislation, neither farmers nor consumers will be free to decide whether they want genetic engineering on their plates or in their fields. Where there is genetic engineering, there must be genetic engineering on it - for complete labelling and real freedom of choice along the entire food chain!
Demo 2023
The loss of biodiversity is dramatic
At the start of the world's largest agricultural trade fair "International Green Week", the demonstration in Berlin's government district makes it clear: good food is only possible with climate protection and social justice. Agriculture Minister Özdemir must clearly oppose the deregulation of genetic engineering legislation. In favour of GMO-free, rural and environmentally friendly agriculture!
Demands of the WHES Alliance (see below) to the Federal Government

Say no to glyphosate in Germany and the EU, tackle pesticide reduction, support farmers financially and finally ban exports of pesticides banned in the EU!
Finally tackling climate justice
Cancel climate-damaging subsidies and promote climate protection in agriculture!
Stop the demise of farms and improve animal welfare
Implement animal-friendly and land-based husbandry, honour animal welfare and environmental protection in agriculture and provide planning security for farms!
No to the deregulation of new genetic engineering
Ensure GMO-free seed and food production, stop patents on animals and plants!
Fight species extinction
Tackle the glyphosate ban and pesticide reduction together with the farms: Significantly reduce the use of synthetic chemical pesticides, stop the export of pesticides banned in the EU!