Anyone who buys organic raw materials in India or wants to find out about the Indian organic market should not miss the Webinar series of Biofach India curated and moderated by BiO Reporter International, Karin Heinze and Sundeep Kamath. Indian and international experts inform about developments, trends and perspectives.

The Panelists
The experts on this first edition of #organicwebinars were: Dr A.K. Yadav, Advisor Ministry of Agriculture, Joy Daniel, Founder Director of Lipok Social Foundation, Siddharth Sancheti, Founder of Agronic Pvt. Ltd. and Pankaj Agarwal, Founder of Just Organik.
In case you missed the first edition of #organicwebinars or want to get some special information of the session, you can watch the recording and update your knowledge. In the following BiO Reporter International will also hightlight some information for a quick overview.
Current Status of the Indian Organic Market
Dr Yadav started with his presentation and he gave an overview of the current status of the organic market in India. He emphasized that the Covid19 pandemic has shown very clear that there is the need for a change in our food system. Organic as a holistic system has many solutions to change for the better.

Presentaion of Dr Yadav
Recent data show the rapidly increasing export rates (FYI crore = 10mn)

Presentaion of Dr Yadav
Opportunities for Organic Agriculture
Joy Daniel informed about the current status of land use and possibilities of conversion to organic in future.

Presentation of Joy Daniel
Trends and Growth Reasons on Domestic and International Organic Markets

Siddharth Sancheti, Agronic
From Siddharth Sancheti, Agronic attendees of #organicwebinars learned about the trends that impact the rising demand for organic food.

Chart by Siddharth Sancheti, Agronic
Trends generate Opportunities
Just Organik CEO Pankaj Agarwal states that the current situation and upcoming trends will lead to a steadily increasing demand of consumers for healthy, organic food from traceable sources.

Just Organik experiences heavy growth on the domestic market. In fact the organic marekt in India registered a rate of 25% over the last months.

Charts by Just Organik
